Waste Bins (Office)... Metal & plastic waste bins to keep your office tidy.
Can't find what you're looking for? Please call us on 01727 572500 or email us at sales@worklinesupplies.co.uk or contact us here.

Q-Connect Waste Bins 15 Litre
In Black, Blue & Red
Q Standard Range
£ 3.25 3.25 GBP
Q-Connect Mesh Waste Bins
In Black & Silver
Q-Connect Mesh Range
£ 8.99 8.99 GBP
CEP Ellypse Xtra Strong Waste Bins
In Taupe & White
Ellypse Range
£ 7.95 7.95 GBP
CEP Gloss Waste Bins
In White & Blue
CEP Gloss Range
£ 7.49 7.49 GBP
Avery DTR Eco Waste Bin Black
Avery DTR Eco Range
£ 14.49 14.49 GBP
Rexel Choices Waste Bins
In Black, Red, Green, Blue & White
Rexel Choices Range
£ 7.99 7.99 GBP
£ 23.99 23.990000000000002 GBP
£ 42.99 42.99 GBP
£ 31.99 31.990000000000002 GBP
£ 16.99 16.990000000000002 GBP

Serving Herts, Beds, and Bucks

We’re proud to supply workwear and branded clothing to businesses in St Albans, Hemel Hempstead, Watford, Aylesbury, Leighton Buzzard, and surrounding areas—plus nationwide delivery you can rely on.

Serving Herts, Beds, and Bucks

We’re proud to supply workwear and branded clothing to businesses in St Albans, Hemel Hempstead, Watford, Aylesbury, Leighton Buzzard, and surrounding areas—plus nationwide delivery you can rely on.